==========oOo========== NEVERWINTER NEWS Issue # 130 Week Ending 4-21-96 ==========oOo========== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* FRONT PAGE *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Congratulations to Ekaha for winning last week's News of the Realm contest for the story "Cat". Ekaha has earned the choice of 4 Pearls or Access to the GOH (Guild of Heroes). Keep up the good work! ;D <><><><><> <><><><><> Location Hunt Winner!! -- 4/14 12:00pm Clue: There is a stout tree here with pieces of frayed rope nearby. Congrats to Wol Azlan who found 1,3 Triboar first. He wins 4 pearls and one hour online time. --Sparkle <><><><><> <><><><><> Magic Missle Booth Winner!! -- 4/17 Southwall... 14,2... showdown.... NW Frost challenged the best of the realms to cast their 3 best Magic Missle spells at me... the most damage total would win 4 pearls and 1 hour on-line time! Of the 15 entrants, two tied for highest damage... each delivering a whopping 69 points of damage! Then the showdown... Jedi Kido and Paldar Sun squared off.. the winner would win the bounty... both take their turns... and the victor is.... ! Paldar Sun!! Congratulations :D NW Frost <><><><><> <><><><><> Rigors Booth Winner!! -- 4/19 11:00pm ET From far and wide they raced upon trusty steed, swiftest chariot and speedy legs till they had all gathered in Llast to face the challenge of the Rigors! Each would stand against the elements, battling to endure the searing pain of a shocking grasp, then the fiery fury of a fireball, to be followed immediately by the freezing cold of an ice storm. Stepping forward Solmath, Azimer, MPGoBlue, PAL Korsak, Jesphulin3, ERS Kelver, MECH 8Ball, Abzzcesse, KEFGandalf, NColl69, COR Knight, Garlord, Opslin, and Abzzsta1n... all tried their lucks and trusted their deities to see them through. The electricity was blasting, the fire raging fiercely all around, the ice storm raged.. and out of it all stepped COR Knight - taking the least damage from the assault and emerging the victor of the contest! Congratulations to COR Knight, who wins 5 pearls for his endurance! And thanks to all who participated! NW Ember ;) <><><><><> <><><><><> *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* NEVERWINTER CALENDAR *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Keep an eye peeled for those Mini-Booths because they will appear when you least expect in different areas of the Realms! Can you be at the right place at the right time when the NW calls for a location? Keep your eyes and ears open for these events! Watch for the banners! New Player Tours: Join the following staff members for a tour of the Realm: April 22nd Monday 10:00 PM EST - with NWT Cyane. April 24th Wednesday 8:00 PM EST - with NW Daneel. April 26th Friday 11:00 PM EST - with NWA Vic. Those interested in any of these tours should keep an eye out for the banner telling where to meet! ;D <><><><><> <><><><><> Congratulations to Ekaha for winning last week's News of the Realm contest for the story "Cat". Ekaha has earned the choice of 4 Pearls or Access to the GOH (Guild of Heroes). Keep up the good work! ;D The Frog of Power (submitted by: BD Tempus) As I have traveled through the Realm I have been hearing bits and pieces of whispered rumors. Taken alone, each one was nonsense and meant nothing. BUT, put all together they begin to paint a picture and tell an interesting tale. Long ago, before the reign of Lord Nasher, the battle between good and evil raged. The forces of evil were led by a powerful sorcerer - no one knew his true name - he was just known as the "Evil One". There was no end to the atrocities he would perform on those unfortunates living in his kingdom. His main source of power flowed from the dark side. There was a high price to pay for this power though - he must feed on the souls of innocents. His need for power was so great that just to maintain the wardings around his castle, he had to devour the souls of two innocents each evening at sunset. As a reward for his "good" work, the dark side gave him the gift of immortality. Eternal life being his reward for having made a pact with evil incarnate to provide a steady stream of souls to the underworld. The Evil One's immortality was created through a powerful spell that pulled his living, beating heart from his mortal body. The beating heart was sealed in a protective globe, which was placed in a special magical container. To insure that he would always live the Evil One had to hide the container where no one would ever be able to find, let alone harm, it and its valuable contents. This was the greatest challenge that had ever faced the Evil One - where to hide his heart. Fighting evil and bringing peace to the land was Zorpthos. Zorpthos was a sage and wise wizard. His power rose from the very land itself. All living creatures were his allies - insects, birds, fish and animals. He lived in a secluded cave high in the Forest Mountains. In his battle against the Evil One, Zorpthos relied on information passed through his animal network. One day, he heard of the Evil One's pact with the dark side. He sent word to his spies in the castle and throughout the land for all creatures to watch for the Evil One going abroad to hide his heart. One day a large black raven flew up to Zorpthos and landed on his shoulder. The raven cawed that he came from the Evil One's castle with news. The raven had gotten the message from Zorpthos' insects within the castle. One dark evening, when there was no moon and heavy clouds hid even the stars from sight the Evil One took his heart from his private workshop deep within his castle. He climbed from the lowest depths of his castle to the top of the highest tower. He cloaked himself in spells of invisibility and wardings of non-discovery. From there, he transported himself to no one knew where. When he returned at dawn the next morning, the Evil One didn't have his heart with him. As the Evil One watched the dawn break, he smiled and cackled under his breath "No one shall ever find this spot - so I shall live forever". Zorpthos thanked the raven, gave him a blessing and watched as he flew out of sight. Zorpthos hoped another creature would soon arrive to tell him where the Evil One had gone. Time passed, and Zorpthos heard nothing. Battles between good and evil went on; nothing really changed. Except Zorpthos was aging. He felt he was past his prime. The Evil One, through his pact with the dark side, was holding his full power. Zorpthos sought an apprentice, one who he could train to carry on in his stead. While many were interested, none had the key gift of land empathy. Without being able to communicate directly with the land, they could not absorb and use the knowledge and power Zorpthos had accumulated over the years. Zorpthos pondered what to do long and hard. He became consumed with finding a way to pass on his legacy of power to a worthy mage. Slowly, he began to form a plan. He would create a device into which he would transfer his vast knowledge. He would use it while he lived and as his memory deteriorated. And, when he was gone, it would be there to guide whoever was attuned to the land. Teaching them the ways of power. Zorpthos set about planning the creation of his device of knowledge and power. He had everything prepared and was about to begin sculpting the stone statue to hold the power when he was interrupted by the croaking of a frog. He turned, and there at the entrance to his cave was a large green frog. Zorpthos knew something was wrong instantly. Green swamp frogs just don't climb mountains. He turned to the frog and invited it into his cave. The frog was weak from its travels, but croaked a strange tale to Zorpthos. One that began when the frog's grandfather was a young tadpole in a dark and nasty swamp. The frog's grandfather was swimming in his pond trying very hard not be some fish's dinner when, it felt a dark shadow on the surface of the pond. The tadpole dove under a ledge on the side of the pool. While it hid there, a large splash came from the center of the pond and something, which glowed dimly slowly sank to the depths of the pond. A large fish nosed the glowing rock as it sank and the fish immediately died. When the rock reached the bottom, a couple crabs scuttled over to investigate and they died too. Anything which came in contact with the rock died. The tadpole quickly realized that it didn't want to go anywhere near the thing at the bottom of the pond. After the tadpole matured and became a frog, he ventured out onto an island. As he was sunning himself on a rock two birds landed in a nearby tree and began talking. The frog heard them talking about the Evil One and how Zorpthos was trying to find his heart to put an end to his evil reign. None of this meant anything to the frog. He didn't know the Evil One; he didn't know Zorpthos; he was a frog. Then, one night, a dark image appeared on the island where he lived. He felt the same evil twinge he had when he was a tadpole. He shrank back into the weeds by the edge of the pond. The dark image just stood and stared into the pond. After a while, he turned toward the frog and smiling, said to himself, "Yes, my secret is safe. I shouldn't have to come to check". He moved his hands and was instantly gone. This was the strangest thing the frog had seen. Then he remembered the birds and the nasty rock at the bottom of the pond. Could that rock be what the birds were talking about? The frog dove in the pond and swam down near the glowing rock. Now that he really looked at it, maybe it wasn't a rock after all. It was smooth all over with a pattern going around it. This must be the container that the birds talked about. But what did it matter to a frog? He couldn't do anything about it. Time passed in the swamp, the frog had children who had children. The frog's story of the container was passed down as a secret which someday may be valuable to them. But until then it was a secret. Eventually, men came into the area. Evil men who tore everything up and began to poison the water supply. Now, the frogs knew what evil was. The frog's grandson decided it was the time to seek aid in exchange for the family secret. He set out to find Zorpthos himself. He couldn't trust anyone else with this important knowledge. After years of travel, he had found Zorpthos. Could he help? "Would he help?" the frog asked. Zorpthos smiled at the frog and said "Oh yes, I will help. I will help a great deal. But first, I must make my token of knowledge. I was going to make this statue in the form of an owl. But in honor of your courage and bravery in coming here, I shall make it in your form." The wizard went back to his workshop, laid his hands on a chunk of raw stone and began to chant. His hands began to glow and after a while he collapsed to the floor exhausted. There on the bench was a crystal statue of a frog. When Zorpthos arose, he carefully picked up the statue and placed it on a shelf next to some other statues. He turned to the frog and said, "That little device is the most powerful magic object that has ever been created. It contains all of my knowledge. Someday, someone who trusts the land will find it and will become a powerful wizard in the battle against evil. But now, let us be off to defeat the evil of today". Zorpthos picked up the frog, gazed into his eyes and wove and intricate pattern with his free hand. Both Zorpthos and the frog were transported to the island in the swamp. Zorpthos looked around. He could see the works of men on the far shore. He stared into the slime covered pond and "felt" the glowing container. Zorpthos could feel the evil spells protecting the container. He knew that one of them would be an alarm which would bring the Evil One here in an instant if it was triggered. He cautiously began casting his own spells of protection and shielding. He cast a spell which caused the container to rise out of the pond and to be set down on a stump next to him. Zorpthos carefully examined the container. He traced each spell; one by one, he removed them. When he thought he had removed every one he reached out and opened the container. He reached in and removed the globe containing the Evil One's mortal heart. As he stared at the pulsing glob of living flesh, the Evil One appeared before him. "Hold!" screamed the Evil One. "Why should I?" queried Zorpthos. "Because, if you kill me, then you will die too" responded the Evil One". "Not likely" said Zorpthos. "When your heart stops beating you will die and any spell you would cast at me will choke in your throat". "No, it is not I that will kill you, it will be yourself. Our lives have become intertwined. Good cannot exist without evil. If I, the epitome of evil, vanish from the earth, then you, the epitome of good, shall have to vanish too. It is the balance of natural forces". "So be it!" responded Zorpthos as he closed his hand into a fist. As the Evil One's mortal heart stopped beating, the Evil One let out a long plaintive scream, fell to the ground and turned into a pile of dust. The frog looked up at Zorpthos and croaked "I knew you wouldn't die too. Good is more powerful than evil". Zorpthos turned to the frog and said "No, the Evil One was right. There is a balance between good and evil that has to be maintained. My time to pass is now at hand. My passing is a small price to pay for the removal of such evil from the world." "Come frog, let us take care of your problem before I depart". Zorpthos picked up the frog again and walked out upon the water. They floated on a magic spell over to where the men's mine was poisoning the water. Zorpthos walked over to the sludge line and set the frog down. He walked into the polluted stream and sat down. As the water flowed over his body it became clear and pure. Zorpthos's body began to loose shape and appear as just another boulder in the stream. But the polluted water flowing past continued to be purified. Since that day, evil has been growing. Little evils have been growing stronger, trying to amass power the like of the Evil One. Good too is growing, maintaining the delicate balance of power between light and dark. But what has happened to Zorpthos' little crystal frog? The rumors say it still exists somewhere in the Realms. I seek the statue. I may be the one who can unlock its power. If I need to sacrifice my life to once again banish evil from the Realms - So be it! BD Tempus Blue Dawn Warrior, Seeker of the FrogA Poem of the Clam (submitted by: PanzerMagi) Broken dreams litter the landscape, scorched reminders of lost innocence. Broken bodies lay before me, friends that knew not what they fought. Broken minds of evil throw taunts upon me, as I try to bring Justice where there is none. And the broken dreams, they rustle about me, as I make battle with flail, spell, and Faith. But the broken dreams shall show me no mercy, for innocence lost can never be regained. Only avenged. Black Mage of Floodblest (submitted by: Zeb Canon) Entering the local inn in Floodblest, I sit at a table in the back and quietly sip an ale. As I contemplate where to start looking for Cedrith. A couple of local farmers are discussing the blight that has been hitting the farms in the area. Half listening to the conversation I call the young girl that is serving and order another ale when I hear mention of a mage. "Aye Brand, it be this here black mage that has been turning the crops to weeds. Why Herk even saw him over at the Ringer farm the other night." "Has anyone else seen him about?" "I hear that a few of the boys up north have seen him near there fields and sometimes over by the well. But nobody and I mean nobody has gotten close to him. He disappears just as someone gets near him." Hearing enough about the local problems, I decide to go and find this mage. Seeing that the monsters have been also getting a little bolder I head to Neverwinter to see if I can find some adventures that might want to come on this quest. As I enter the center of Neverwinter I spot NW Sparkle and NW Icarus and tell them of my quest. NW Icarus cast a spell that I have never heard of and his voice carried to the far corners of Neverwinter. Telling all that I was gathering adventures and to seek me in the famous Indoor Gardens. Thanking him for his efforts I enter the gardens where I see Anna Muir already there. Soon I have several young warriors coming to find out what the quest is about. After relaying the tale I heard in Floodblest Runemaster, Chaz2950, Mayo89, Laird Delg, and Edhedral decide to come and help. Teaching them the ways of far speech and the ranger way of sneaking past a battle we begin our quest to Floodblest. Along the trail we were set upon buy several groups of giant lizards and pryro snakes. This was good for us because we were able to see how well we fought together. We finally made it to the local inn in Floodblest were we rested for the night and told tales at the fire. With the dawn we head out to the local well. Just as we see the well in sight a group of owlbears and a carrion crawler jump us. Then I saw it, I had heard tales of it, but now I see it is real. I saw the biggest and meanest Punt monster that ever lived in Neverwinter and before I could even flee it grabbed me and threw me so far that I was thrown completely out. Quickly praying to Mielikki I was able to find a line through space and time back to Floodblest. Our group of adventures had finished off the owlbears by the time I returned. I was later to find out that the Punt Monster also got Mayo89 but he was unable to return. Looking around the well Runemaster found several notches in the side of the well and we agreed to climb down the dry well and see what was at the bottom. At the bottom of the well we saw just a trickle of water that used to feed the well. Seeing a muddy passageway running off to the west we decided to follow it. Then as we turned a corner in the passageway a large group of owlbears were waiting for us. Edhedral cast a sleep spell and caught two owlbears and Runemaster cast a hold that caught several more. Chaz2950 then began to fire at the sleeping ones with his bow. In no time the fight ended. Continuing westward we passed several places that had water dripping to the ground. The passageway began to slope and our footing began to become unsure. The farther we went into the tunnel the more the slope increased. Knowing that we were under the foot hills several of us wished for one of the rugged hill dwarfs were with us to guide us through this underground maze. But as they say if wishes were fishes we would never go hungry, so we continued till Laird Delg came to a door in the wall and heard the noises of creatures on the other side. Knocking the door aside we entered what looks like a barracks of some kind with a group of gnoll guards resting inside. They were talking about some Dark Mage when one saw us and sounded an alarm. Laird Delg followed by Edhedral rushed forward into the gnolls and killed two before the others even grabbed there weapons. Runemaster cast a sleep on a group and Chaz2950 fired into the group taking two down with his bow. As I came through the door there was only one gnoll left alive and with a mighty swing I took the gnoll out of action. Closing the doors and setting a guard we rested in the barracks and attended to the minor wounds we took in the battle. Moving on, we found a steel ladder the went upwards into darkness. The climb was long and hazardous and many times we had to stop on our climb do to the slippery rungs. Finally we made it to a small antechamber. The air was cool and there was a slight breeze in the room. This felt good to us after climbing the steel ladder but it also meant that the chamber ahead must be vast. Leaving the antechamber we enter a large cavern. In the middle of the cavern we finally saw the Black Mage. He was tall and very thin and dressed all in black. Seeing us he cast several magic missiles at us that struck and caused serious damage to Laird Delg and Chaz2950. To make matters worse he fled to the northeast and sent his creatures after us. The worst of it was his laughter that echoed throughout the cavern. The fight was on gnolls, owlbears, and giant lizards attacked us. Runemaster cast a fireball into the monsters and took out a few. Chaz2950 hurt but still able to fire his bow began shooting. Laird Delg and Edhedral began close combat with the gnolls to stop them from using there bows. The fight lasted a short while burnt owlbear and lizard parts were all over the cavern. Seeing a door to the west we went to it and found an office. This must be were the Black Mage was working from. We could see that the office was ransacked but finding a few parchment on the floor we read about how the Black Mage was the cause of the blight in Floodblest and that the Black Mage was threatening to do the same to the Indoor Gardens back in Neverwinter. Also that he was having trouble with the slavers in Nightsedge and recommended that the use of the undead would be better even with the limitations that the undead have. Knowing that we needed to get this information back to Lord Nasher, we healed ourselves and went after the Dark Mage. Going northeast after the Black Mage we found fresh footprints in the mud. Knowing that we were close on his heels, the Black Mage set some of his creatures to stall us. With the scent of our quarry close we dispatched this group of monsters very quickly. Then we came to an area that we heard echoes of orders being sent in the next cavern. Rushing into the cavern thinking that we could catch the Black Mage we found to our surprise that the cavern was a maze of twists and turns with several side passages. Running to search out the passages we ran into a group of monsters. Two huge Minotaur and an Umber Hulk were standing in the middle of the cavern. The fighting was fierce. Again I found the dreaded Punt Monster lurking in the shadows and once again I was taken from the group. Anna Muir seeing me leave lead the attack on the creatures. Again I returned to find the battle over. It seemed that the punt monster was only after me. Searching the rest of the passages we had to admit that the Black Mage had gotten away for we could not find any trace of him. Finding a way back to Floodblest we stopped at the Inn and told the bar keep that the Black Mage had left. Hearing this local farmers gathered at the inn and as we told of our tales we were given free drink and lodging. I left our group there and went back to Neverwinter to let Lord Nasher what happened and that this was not the last of the Black Mage. I'm Proud to be an ITB (submitted by: MrBill888) When morning comes, I'll do my best To be an overwhelming pest I rise and shake the dust off me I'm proud to be an ITB There's kids to torment and dogs to kick And rears to kiss and boots to lick I'll fight them one, I'll fight them all As long as they ain't two feet tall I run the realms, when no ones there And claim the woods, when they are bare The foes I slay are a mystery I'm proud to be an ITB I trades wits with all, but none will exchange For my IQ score's in the mid-fifty range As I walk, people run to the far side of the street Ain't I quite fierce, or is it still my feet? I slay my foes and as they hit the ground There's five less rabbits that'll be around I duck as OGS strides on past me I'm proud to be an ITB Of all the guilds, we are the best Unless of course you count the rest Our name is feared throughout the lands And most children flee our marauding bands So look over your shoulder, I'm coming some day You must worship and fear me, take heed what I say There's no hamster in the world that is not afraid of me I'm proud to be an ITB MrBill888 OGS Poet Laureate The Traveling Bard (submitted by: Quickfire) The wind scoured across the landscape, slashing cruelly through his thin cloak. Its bite served to bring him back to awareness, though, so it was, in its way, a blessing. Albeit a harsh one. His mind's eye fluttered with distorted images. Shapes, nameless forms flowed together until at last he was able to recount what he was doing at the gate to Westbridge. A shudder tossing his shoulders, he arose and set about repairing the damage that he had taken. His name was Quickfire. The Lost Hills had given him no trouble, though many bloodthirsty adventurers prowled its undulating terrain, seeking out those who would fain be elsewhere. Quickfire was not an ordinary treasure-seeker, though, nor were his goals as mundane as most. He had sworn an oath not to participate in combat with other questers like himself, and those who he encountered respected his pledge, the pledge of all true bards. Life in his guild frequently brought more than was expected, and while sometimes welcome it could also bring pain. Painful indeed had been his last mission. Seeking to carve himself a name in Neverwinter history, the young human set out on a journey to cover the continent, at least until a story of worth presented itself. "Still," he thought, "who am I to say which stories are worthy of note and which are not?" Better yet to live the adventures himself, and glorify them in the telling! After all, what was a Bard without a name? Nothing! The denizens of Westbridge proved to be less than almighty, by a long shot. The beholders (although they turned a few of his temporary companions into windblown ashes) soon fell to his halberd, and the other creatures which thrived on those weaker were easy prey for one who had mastered both sword and spell. The small town of Red Larch sat before him now. The fine longbow which he acquired there was true to its name. After a few practice shots on wandering monsters, he left through a door long hidden beneath tangled vines. Quickfire had a keen eye, though, and found the exit easily, though it took some searching. The underbrush was much thicker here. The weight of countless, hidden eyes bored into the back of his helmet, but when he turned to catch a glimpse of his phantom stalkers there was nothing. So involved in his search was he that he did not notice the clearing ahead. He did not realize the ambush until the attackers were upon him. Streams of fire erupted from the gaping maws of two giant red dragons. The nimble bard leapt to the side and caused the gouts of flame to singe another of his opponents, a malicious-looking black dragon. Two arrows flew from his bow, piercing the eye of one of the wyrms. A second later, with a hastily recited incantation and a wave of his hand, a storm borne of the winter colds assaulted the three creatures, along with their companions. One fell, shrieking, and the others grew ever more angered at their pain and the loss of a comrade. Next came a bolt of electricity streaming from the sky. It struck one dead center, incinerating its heart in a high voltage explosion. Then, it exited the back of the already dead enemy and hit two more. The rest attacked, and after his hurried guarding only one was left standing. This was not without a price however, and had taken a great toll on mind and body. Glancing up at his opponent, Quickfire tried to manage a sneer, but only succeeded in affecting a grimace. Blood ran freely down his forehead from a grisly clawmark, but he could still see enough to grasp the neck of the lumbering fire-lizard after teleporting to its shoulders. He chanted, and it felt its neck burst into flame, causing its oxygen supply to be rapidly depleted. It fell with a crash. Quickfire picked himself up off the ground, dazed after his fall from the shoulder of the leviathan. He heard a branch snap, and turned himself to see his new attacker. Or rather, tried to turn. He cursed inwardly as he found his body frozen, as if held by an unseen hand. This was not the inspiring adventure he wished to have. "I doubt YOU will be doing any more of that, you little runt. Bah, humans! I never liked them." came the rumbling, slightly snobbish voice behind him. A large blue form walked past his line of sight, and he saw the talismans which marked his adversary as a cloud giant shaman. The giant peered into Quickfire's eyes. He smiled, a grin which was missing quite a few teeth and smelled of rotted meat, animal or otherwise. "You lose, ugly!" the shaman boomed as one of his compatriots lifted his weapon. "See if you can make him clear the trees this time!" the warrior's friend yelled as Quickfire was smashed over the treetops and the town of Red Larch. The last thing he heard before passing out (fortunately before he hit the ground) was a jubilant: "Wow, nice shot!" Clearing the last of the murk from his memories, he edged through the door which took him back to safer climes. He would return, someday. Someday when he had stronger weapons, tougher armor. And a bodyguard or two. Submitted by Quickfire, the Bard!The Heir of Kithain (submitted by: Ilysiana) Loud, piercing screams of pain emminated fromt he cottage. Ceric was furious. He knew his wife was inside, for he recognized her helpless voice which made him wish to run to her. However, when the screams began, he had been quickly herded out of the cottage. She was hurting, that is all his mind could focus on. It was his duty and right to protect her. However, he was robbed of those abilities. Men surrounded him, and everytime he tried to run towards the door, they would tackle him. He paced back and forth, the once tall grass beneath him now matted into the earth from the constant shuffling of his boots. Hours on end, the screams continued. What was happening to her?! He wanted to run to her, but as much as it pained him to admit, he knew his presence would only bring her more agony. Her voice grew louder, the groans deeper and more animalistic, louder still...suddenly...they ceased. The silence seemed to last an eternity. The curiousity within Cyric eatting away at his soul. His sweat drenched hands clenched together, kneeding to releave the pressure his body felt. Then finally, the silence was broken... ...by the cry of a newborn baby. Cyric leaped on the porch of his cabin and threw open the door. None of the men tried, nor desired to stop him. They were too busy patting one another on the backs, raising swords and yelling words of congratulations towards the cottage. Cyric looked in, and before his tired eyes laid a sight that caused tears to fall down his sun aged skin. The most beautiful woman in the world holding their child. The still pink babe was nursing from its mother. Delicate pale hands stroked the infant's hair as his wife smiled opon the bundle in her arms, a vision that Cyric believed must cause the angels to stop and stare, entralled with the innocence and beauty. The midwife cameto Cyric and whispered softly in his ear. "Well, you are the father of a beautiful, healthy little girl. She did wonderfully. Oh, don not be frightened, go to Miriam and together choose a name for your daughter." That was all the invitation he had been waiting for. Within two seconds, he was sitting next to his wifem brushing the sweat damp hair from her forefead. At this moment, he knew that there was no othre on the world that was a lucky as he was. "Look at her black hair, thick just like her father's. And she is stubborn like you as well, she was bound and determined to stay where she was! Put up quite a fight." They laughed together, kissed, exchanged glances of love. Finally, he spoke while taking his daughter's hand. "Anna..." Mirian looked up and nodded. Then smiled down at her daughter. "You will live like no other, Anna. You are born of true love, and we will protect you and suppost you throughout all of your days. Upon this, I swear." A few miles away, unbeknowst to the happy family, a figure ran throught the tall, vivid green grass appearing only as a blur. If you could manage to get a glimpse of it, you sould tell it was half running, half skipping and dancing. Swift hands snatched up daffodils and dandelions as it ran, braiding them into a beautiful crown. Laughter echoed through the meadow, rising above the songs of young birds newly hatched, bees buzzing around the blooming flowers. It was spring, and the land was alive. "King and Queen of Kithain be, "Gates of grass and vines I see "If nae open soon for me, "My story with myself will flee!" The creature stopped before the side of a large hill. Vines and other climbing vegetation blanketed the cliff. The creature was not winded at all, in fact, he danced in a circle as he sang his verse. His goat like legs kicked high in the air, hooves leaing deep marks in the sof earth. His human torso was bare save an ornately decorated vest that blinded the eyes of those who saw it due to the vibrant colors woven in it. His face looked like a child's, a playful grin on his lips and mischieveous sparkle in his green-yellow eyes. He had long brown hair that danced with the breeze that ran through it. And the flower crown on his head rested on two small horns, jutting from his forehead. Tied to his back, was a beautiful wooden lute with silver strings. Suddenly, the creature dropped to the ground, couching as he stared at the cliff. The vines began to part, slithering away like millions of grass snakes. Layer after layer disappeared until finally, light broke through the curtain. The creature jumped up, shaking the dew off of him and skipped to the tiny entrance. As soon as he stepped through, the doorway closed. He looked around and smiled. To this day, entering a Freehold still amazing him as much as his first visit. Especially this one, for the homr of the King and Queen was more beautiful and elegantly furnished than any other in the lands. In the Freeholds, those within could disgard their mortal disguises and let their true forms be seen. Here, the Kithain could release their spirits and celebrate with the other faeries. Here, everyone believed in the Fae magic, the Glamour, not like most of the Burgess who lived in the nearby towns. The figure walked through the gathered Kith, dancing, singing, wisking ladies and men off their feet. Oh, how he longed to join in the merriment, however he had business to attend to...and as soon as he was dismissed he would run with all his speed to this party!! He climbed the stairs towards the Royal Hall, cursing beneath his breath that their Majesties had chosen him of all people!! He was a Satyr, he belonged downstairs with the fun, not sitting on his tiny rear watching some stupid Burgess house. If HE were King, he would have sent a Eshu, afterall, they were the adventurers who loved to travel. Or maybe another of the Sidhe Nobles. Well, he knew that there would be punishment for removing the buttons from the King's royal robes...while he was wearing them. He reached the huge doors and sighed. They opened of their own accord and he lowered his head, boying before the figures seated on the thrones. "Rise, Enestiar, tell us the news!" It was the Queen's voice, smooth and soft, yet an underlying tone of authority made the Satyr speak at once. "For the past three weeks I have done EXACTLY as your Royal Highnesses have asked. Today, the previous Sidhe Queen gave birth to a female. Being that the husband is not the true father, and that a certain Kithain King is..." He looked at the man shifting uncomfotably in the throne before him. "...I am certain that the child is Kith." The Queen looked at him, arching an eyebrow. Miriam had once sat on the very throne she was in now. However, due to her love of a mortal man, she decided to join him as a Non-Kithain. She gave up her Kingdom, her people, her memory and her magic for a man. The poor woman has no idea now that she was ever a Queen, she no longer believes in the existance of faeries for she no longer remembers she was ever one. She has nothing now, because of a mortal man...a Burgess. "Yes, Your Majesty, I checked. The child is tainted. She is absolutely Kithain!" The Satyr was quickly excused as the King turned to face his wife. "Ilysia, do not do this, please. Leave the child with her parents. Do not kidnap her." "She will be a Sidhe, since you are the true father, and I will have an heir. Even if the child is not truely mine, I will take her, I will raise her, and she will know me as mother. I will be her Kithain mentor, and therefor, for all purposes, her mother. She will learn to be a fair ruler, and you will say nothing about it. It is our way! Do not let your old feelings for Miriam interfere with your duties as King." "You are right. What will we give her? The typical three years?" "Aye, M'lord...three years today, I will personally go get the princess." Anna grew up as promised in a loving environment. The freckled little girl with the long rave hair was a joy to her family. She was so innocent and sweet, that all around her loved her. Her favorite game was to hide in the meadows and play make believe. She had to admit that she made a wonderful princess. Defending her kingdom against the foul workers of evil!! One thing she knew was that her kingdom was always safe with her parents and her guarding it. Today, she was all set for a royal court. The flower crown set upon her head, the bright throw rug ties around her neck, and the gardening hoe in her hand al painted the picture of a princess dressed magnificently. "All my people, have fun today. Smile, dance, laugh, for it is my birthday, and princess Anna wishes a grand ball!!!" "As you wish, Your Majesty." Anna looked up, startled by the stranger. The woman's head was bowed as she lowered her head in a formal curtsey. Anna began to giggle. "You can not have nicer clothes than the Princess silly!!" They immediately started laughing together. For hours they played, Ilysia throwing her silken robes over Anna and placing her crown on her head. The got along marvellously. After all, children were the only mortals who could acknowledge the existance of the Kithain, for children still believed in the magic. Soon, Cyric's voice bellowed from their cottage, commanding Anna to return. "Anna, listen to me quickly. I have a Kingdom I want you to see. Where I get my clothes, my crown, where everyone bows to me, because I am Queen. I want to take you there. You can have anything your hears desires, because you will be my Princess." The queen untied a bundle that she had carefully set aside. Outside of it climbed a young child, who looked exactly like Anna. Ilysia had taken an orphan child and used her magic to morph her. She still held some loyalty to Miriam, and would not want to cause her any pain. This way, the parents will still have, what they believe to be their child, Ilysia would have her heir, and this once starving orphan would have a life. Ilysia waved her hands and Anna's garb turned into the delicate, bright clothes of the Kithain. "And you can have magic like that too, Anna. Come with me." "Very well, Queen Ilysia, take me to my Castle!" The small Burgess child walked to the Queen. Ilysia held a hand of each of the children in her own, and closed her eyes, manipulating the Glamour in the air. Soon, the orphan had all of Anna's memories and ran to go to her family. Ilysia picked up Anna and swirled her around. Butterflies flew to them, hundred began to dance around the two Kithain until all they could see was the yellow of the wings. Suddenly, they all disappeared and Anna was standing her the Throne Room. Ilysia looked upon her, and began to wonder what Kithain name she should give her daughter until the time came when she could choose her own. "Princess Ilysianna" She smiled and took the childling by the hand, showing her all that one day, she would rule over. Ilysianna Sidhe Queen Seelie Court, House Fiona Kithain GMThe Rebirth of Naomi (submitted by: Mech Naomi) It was just another boring night in Neverwinter when I met him. As per my routine, I was visiting the cities Inn's, harassing the patrons inside. I strolled inside, the only sound that could be heard when I entered was the leather of my tight brown breeches moving as my hips swayed, and the heels of my Dwarven steel tipped boots echoing through the inn. With a half smoked cigarette dangling from my lips, I addressed a man who was looking me up and down. "Hey, Bucko... stick yer stinkin' tongue back in yer mouth and get outta my seat!!" Those who know me and who I am, normally tuck their tales between their legs and run towards the exit before I can say "Now". This particular man had either never heard of me or wished to try and correct a "Lady" for speaking rudely. Men...or as I call them, Whelps...have a tendency to think if you are of the female gender, that you must bat your eyelashes and curtsey a lot. Well, I learned a long time ago that I was going to bow to no man ever...that he would either have to beat me into submission (which is not bloody likely) or kill me...take my head ...and move it down himself. "I know I didn't hear you correctly...I am giving you one more chance...because I can see how dazed you are to be in the presence of a real woman...I said move." This is my favorite part...when they think in order to prove themselves, they must fight back. Well, after I shoved his head into my knee and cracked him across the cheek with my whip, he was in no position to argue...so I sat myself down in my seat and finished the ale he so graciously left for me. And as always, all the goodies in the bar have to pipe up their insults at me, calling me wench and other more descriptive adjectives. I love seeing them get flustered as I calmly sit back, have an ale, pick my teeth with my sword, and adjust my low cut leather vest. Today, however, a figure strolled in who immediately intrigued me. All the noise in the establishment died immediately. This is a reaction to my wit and cruel comments I had never seen before. I looked at the patrons in the bar, and every last one of them had turned powder white and were trembling in fear. I turned around to face the door and found the source of their fear. It had gotten rather warm in the inn, and a cloud of pure night creeped through the door. No one could move, all eyes, even mine were locked in the void, waiting to see what the depths of Hell were releasing onto us. I searched frantically for some sign of what the cloud held, however fear was not welling up inside of me, it was anticipation and enthusiasm. I had to find out what was in there! My first clue was a pair of flames dancing deep within the shadow. As I watched, the small flames began to grow brighter and brighter until "it" broke through the blackness. "Now that's what I call a REAL man!!!" Leave it to me to antagonize a creature that could break my spine with a snap of his fingers...but hey, that's who I am, I show fear or servitude to NO ONE! I was completely in awe at the figure entering the bar, however. He was immense, having to duck to get through the door, and his broad shoulders bulging against the doorframe. I would guess he was 13 or 14 foot tall, but the odd thing was...he was copper red and had wings folded against he muscular back. And that's not mentioning the horns piercing through the flesh of his head. A slow smile appeared on his face as the flames...his eyes...got brighter and fixed directly on me. Aww man, nice knowing ya Neverwinter. I was done for. "Does anything on this form look like a mortal man to you?" His voice was deep and powerful, it echoed through the inn. I detected a slight sarcastic tone in it, so once again, I spoke before I thought, relying on instinct rather than the wisdom to keep my trap shut. "Did I ever say mortal, bucko!? NO...I did not...so stop puttin' yer stinkin' unintelligent words in my mouth!" A gasp was all that the witnesses said as I walked up to him and shoved my forefinger in his chest. That was so ironic, I talked about lack of intelligence, and I was threatening this thing. Well, I didn't care. The last thing I was going to do was let my last living act be that of cowering due to a man. And with all these witnesses?! Pshaa!! I had a reputation to protect! His reaction completely caught me off guard. He walked into me, pushing me backwards with his immense size. He didn't say a word, just walked and looked over my head. Before I allowed myself to be backed into a corner, I nimbly jumped out of his path and pulled out my leather bull whip. "Innkeep!!! Shut yer darn door!! The wild animals are coming in and stinkin' up the joint." Once again, he completely ignored my comments. The rest of the patrons, however, ran for the door with speed never before seen in Neverwinter, I could swear there was a trail of fire leading from their seats to the door. Only three men remained, two of which were drunk to the point of dancing on the table with each other, and the other one was passed out in his own vomit. The figure walked up to the bar and ordered a Bloodwyne from the bumbling barkeep. He rested one hand on the bar as the tender clumsily tripped off to fetch his wyne, but the trained warrior could see his other hand was ready for any attack that might come, even though his back was to me. I couldn't let this opportunity escape me, this was proving to be more fun than I had first assumed. "Hey, big guy....while yer at it, fetch me one as well!" Once again, I was astonished. The keep turned around to see his reaction, and he slowly lifted his arm and raised two fingers, indicating that the man was to bring me a wyne as well. While his attention was focused on the man, I sprang into action and cracked my whip against his rear. Nothing. No flinch, no snickering, no nothing, not even a muscle twitch. "Now I KNOW you are a real man...but are you man enough to take orders from a real woman?" At this point I was searching for anything that would get a reaction from him. I have taunted and teased men all my life, but never have I come across one that did absolutely nothing, not even a quick glance in my general vicinity. The innkeep deposited the silver goblets in front of him and quickly ran for the back. He took the wyne and without turning around, finally spoke in that deep, powerful voice. "What are your orders?" He turned and looked at me, a wide grin on his face. At last!!! I got a response! Now, I had to think of something fast, something fitting for a creature of his stature, not to humiliating, but just enough to show him who is in control. "Bring me my wyne and serve it to me...on one knee." I couldn't hold back the smug smile that appeared on my lips. He began walking towards me, slowly. He came to an empty table, and knelt before it. I realized as he put on goblet before him and the other one across the table, that he knelt because the chair would not support his form, not because of my orders. Darnit!! I had to think of something to get him! "I see...you are not strong enough to take my orders." I rubbed it in with a snide snicker. He motioned for me to join him at the place across from him. I couldn't believe his control! There had to be some way to irritate him, and I was about to find it, if it killed me. I looked at him and arched my delicate eyebrow at his invitation. Suddenly, with blinding speed, I swung my whip over my head and cracked it against his cheek, and smiled as the blood flowed down his face. He only stared at me, no other reaction. "I said on yer knew and serve me!!! And I meant now!!!" I cracked the whip half an inch away from his eye, once again he did not flinch, his control was absolutely astonishing. "Your strength is admirable...but..." At the end of his statement, I felt an odd sensation welling inside of me. It was as if something was trying to enter my deepest psyche, and finding out what made me tick. Well, I was not about to let that happen, I fought the violating presence and struck back with anger and rage. He must have felt that his initial attempt failed, for as soon as I pushed the first probe out, another stronger one came and started to break through my defenses. Over and over we wrestled inside of me, his powers growing greater each time, my retaliations growing more weak and futile. I summoned all the power inside of me and pushed him away again. A moment passed, and I tried to regain my strength, but it was too late. I felt his touch, he had found what he had been searching for...my passion in life. My whip almost fell to the floor because I temporarily lost all control over my body. It could only be compared to the first time I was ever touched by another. All my emotions, my deepest desires and fantasies came bursting to the surface. How I regained any amount of control over myself, I will never know. I had to fight this...I had to fight this to the very end. There was no way I could allow myself to be so helpless!!! "And do you mean to tell me you don't desire to be dominated?" It was obvious I knew I was losing and was reaching for anything that might buy me a few seconds to get the heck out of this town. All I could feel was myself being pulled closer to him by his inner grip on me. No matter how hard I struggled, my legs continued to walk to him. NO!!! I couldn't let it end like this!! I couldn't let a man have control over me!!! What I had fought all my life was going to be my undoing. "Can you tell me that it wouldn't be to your liking to have a woman that can handle you for a change, not the weak ones you must be use to that would do your bidding if you just gave them a kind glance?" His flaming eyes grew brighter and brighter as he pondered this question. I still was captive, but my words were being considered, not ignored. What seemed like an eternity later, he finally spoke. "A woman...No. A devil...Yes." With those words he wrapped his massive hand around my neck, his thumb touching his forefinger as he adorned me with a living necklace. Nice knowin' ya Neverwinter...see ya in Hell. The first thing I noticed was the temperature inside me rising slowly. The longer his hand lingered on my neck, the hotter I became. But the heat grew from inside of me, it was not due to any outside conditions. I could feel the sweat trickling down my face and as I looked into the eyes of my destroyer, I grew infuriated. This creature was causing my death, and he did not even allow me to fight!! He used whatever powers were given to him to take control of me and then... I screamed as the heat began to grow unbearable. My organs were being burned, they were on fire and there was nothing I could do to extinguish the flames. My cry was heard throughout Neverwinter...and all who heard it recognized it as the purest form of pain and helplessness. For within that scream, all the mothers who had ever lost their children, all the lovers who had lost their mates, all the people that I had ever killed materialized in that cry. Then, along with the indescribable pain from the fire with in me grew something that I feared...emptiness. Where my heart once dwelled and felt...grew a void. The void, my soul, was being pulled down through my body, replacing the fire with nothingness. The heat was pushed to the outside of my skin as the void grew larger and larger within me. And I suddenly realized what this creature was and what he was doing to me. He was pure evil, and he was taking my soul, making me one of his minions. My skin sizzled as the heat moved to the surface of my body. I could feel the skin on my back rupture as something inside of me broke through the confines of my body. Something was growing on my back and the pain was all my senses could take in, there was nothing but agonizing torture all over my body. I felt as if I was being stretched on a rack, my muscles and bones elongating. On top on my head, two sharp protrusions ripped through my skull. My nails fell off and were replaced by talons tearing through my fingertips. The muscles in my body grew tighter and stronger as my body firmed. My canines sharpened into razor tipped fangs. And it all stopped as my soul was completely taken from my body, and replaced with desire and purpose to find something to fill the void. I opened my eyes and looked at the creature. He was smiling proudly and the brightness of his eyes burned my retinas. "Now, my devil...you know how to touch this Arch-Devil's desires." His eyes moved along my body as he spoke, and he ended with a final look of ultimate approval. "Remove your hand." I commanded him, and he obeyed. I walked to a mirror and looked at my new form. I had grown to around 7 foot tall. My body was more firm and toned than it used to be. My hair had grown longer and thicker...it reached my waist, and was now raven black. I had two small horns showing through the mass of hair on top of my head, and I had wings, similar to those of a bat, on my back. But the transformation that intrigued me the most was my eyes. They used to be a simple green, but now they were a vibrant violet. Within the violet were swirling hues of green and blue. I turned around and looked at the devil, and smiled as I shifted into a 12 foot female version of him. "I have been called a little devil before, however I suppose I truly live up to the title now." I could repress the laugh. I walked over to the empty seat where the wyne he set for me was. I picked it up and drank, my eyes lingering on him. I put the goblet down and walked over to him. "Mark my words, this is the first and last time I will ever do this to a male." I lowered myself on one knee and bowed before my new master. Naomizia Minion of S.A.T.A.N. Devil's AdvocateThe Magic of Love (submitted by: Lake Mist) Her tears mean less to him than the coming rain. Her eyes, windows to a soul in torment, are less important than a single casement poorly fitted against the storm. And her face, softly scarred is but one of many others to often seen. Only one among legions who have dared weep in the face of raging rain. She remains chained in the tower of this ancient castle. The magic is everything, as is well known by all the faceless ones who have fallen, now soundlessly and forever screaming in the dank parlors of cruelly hungry demons. Providing both power and sustenance, serving as both weapon and shield, the magic is everything. And he, who was once a proud ranger, is the magic user. Lord of this castle, and wielder of the magic. He has jouneyed forever, from the light of Neverwinter into the darkness, ever deepening. He is drawn by the tears he knows must fall. This warden of the forest is drawn by that which gives him breath, and which holds all the meaning and importance he can conceive. She begins to sob and the mage turns to her "Silence! You disturb my work. He will come. How could he not after what I did to him? After what I did to you both?" His thoughts wander backwards for a moment. To a wedding day. A young ranger and lady so much in love. But, had he not loved her too? He had burst into the wedding chamber wielding magic in his rage. Surprise was his as the groom and guests were knocked senseless by his magic. Swiftly to her side he sped and cast one last spell taking them both from the chamber. She would be his, forever. Returning to the present, he said "Yes, he will come, and this time with sword to bear. But this time, my magic will spell one love's end and another's beginning." He moved to her and cut a lock of her hair. He mixed the tress into the potion he had been brewing. He added the tears of her grief and poured the mixture like rain into the moat below. Thunder peeled and the rain spilled like endless tears upon all about. As he neared the bridge, he looked for danger and found none. He moved forward, knowing that which he sought was close at hand. Half way across, fire rose from the waters. A red dragon appeared and the faces of the cold stone wept. Long ago, when such things mattered, many of them had faced the same heat. As the dragon's claws ripped at his tunic and blood was let, he would prove himself different. His sword ripped into the dragon's belly, forcing it to move away. Charging forward, he slashed and cut. Ripping several feet of the dragon open, he again pushed forward and buried his sword into the heart. The dragon reeled, stumbled and fell backwards into moat, mortally wounded. He would brave all the elements, shrinking from neither fire nor rain, nor even the hell which is loosed by hands skilled in mixing them both. He again moved closer to the castle. With a deep and dreary moan, the storm looses itself. Thunder and lightning crackle all about as a window pane rattles and hums. She strains to peer out the window and a tear frees itself. As he nears the castle entrance. He knows this place well, even if it could not keep him. It was here, at the urging of a mage, that he had lain down his sword to apprentice in that knowledge which must not be lost with the mere passing of flesh. He had been a poor student, easily distracted, and the magic contained in these spaces is still strange to him. Those who have passed before mock him, as then and ever, from the safety of the stone. And the traps now laid for him are no worse than those webs of dark knowledge which ever baffled him. No surprises then, such traps should contain surprises. As his sword cuts through the cobwebs concealing a passgae, movement just ahead. Sealing his contract on neutral ground, he did not know that he would come to meet her here. Nor did he know that he would become so obsessed with her that his studies and labors would become so difficult. A voice seems to come from all around "He who holds my face and feeds my flesh to the patrons of his power welcomes your return apprentice." The skeleton charges from the darkness, his short sword ripping into the left shoulder. "The penalty for your theft must be severe, so sacred was the object stolen." Rage filled him like rain seeking a stream, filling with a desire which left no room for anything else. He rushed forward, sword clashing with sword. The skeleton moving backwards "If the magic user must be parted from his love, then he demands that you be parted from life, joining the bleached and brittle ranks of my fellows." They battle further along the passage "But even then, your face and flesh will rot as recompence, and thus, even in death, your prior contract will be fulfilled." As they neared the end of the passage and a wooden door, he pressed forward, the two bursting throught the door as his sword removed the skeletons head. He could not have known that his obsession would force him to take up the sword once again. Trust his teacher to demand repetition of the exercise under terms of heightened difficulty. As they stand outside in the rain along a parapet, the magic user says "What death strives to say, is to possess her heart, you must first tear mine from it's breast and embrace it as your own." With an evil laugh, he moves away as two skeletons move forward. A faint understanding, thrumming with a ghost breath, almost grasp but quickly lost. Drowned in thunder and the clash of steal. As his sword tears the skeletons apart, he turns around, he will not be stopped. The magic user stands near, "And so you have defeated my magic. And thus gained my knowledge and power. Your sword has earned the right to my life. TAKE IT !" With that, he rushes forward, bearing his sword in the magic user's breast. Magic appears to burst from every fabric of his body. "YES ! At last you prove yourself a worthy apprentice." As the raw power of the heaven's grief flows fully into the heart. Lightning strikes the sword hilt, forging sword and soul into one. The mage weeps not in the face of the storm, but burns in the falling rain, surrendering flesh and face to another. The beard of the magic user will grow no longer. He moves forward and ripps the sword from the charred body. The apprentice has become the teacher, while the teacher lives on in the apprentice. As he bursts into the tower, he says "What I wanted magic user, was that magic born of the heart, and not merely of the mind or hands." He moves swiftly to her, breaking the bonds that hold her. He sweeps her into his arms and moves back down the passage. Never looking back. "What I wanted was that which transcends each face it touches and holds a power so vast that it can fill the eyes with heavens grief." As they leave the castle, the storm breaks, and the sun fills the heavens. From the darkness into the light, whence begins the true journey, undertaken by all who gain the final knowledge. Only so great a love of two could have defeated so great a magic user, forcing him to give way in the end. The magic of love is an unwriiten spell, never to be entered in a grimoire, but etched upon the soul.(submitted by: BD Piper) Fighting the Beholders throughout the realms can be a challenge and can often end up in your demise (sometimes resulting in a quick express trip back to NW or the nearest Temple for healing). The challenge of the Beholders and the balance of power can be leveled by utilizing the following tips: Prep, prep, prep, this means casting the correct spells: enlarge (a 22 strengtht sure helps to chop them down quickly), mirror image (just like having a free life, as each Beholder will ultimately gaze at you or try to bite you--its nice to have that wee bit o' insurance), and most important Haste--you wanna double up your attacks and strike with speed and proficiency--this is how!! Once you've prepped you'll want to do the "Beholder dance" run up to each beholder and then step back, run up and step back, run up and step back (ya get the picture--just dance with them)--of course I usually get out me trusty Bag Pipes and play them vigorously the soothing sounds boost me morale and the morale o me fellow adventures--seems also the beholders are wipped into a daze and succumb to me blade quicker. Hope this helps! BD Piper Arg! Tae thy Blue Dawn(submitted by: Redd Iz) T'was a calm spring night in the quiet town of Rosemont, a suburb of the grand city of Chicago when travelers from all over the realms begin to arrive. The brave souls ventured in from territories as far away as Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Pittsburgh. At first it was just a few but as time passed, their numbers grew. They were gathered from all over the realms representing almost all the guilds. There were members from ITB, KAAOS, SA, OGS, KEF, BOP, Camerilla(V), BDA, SOL, GKOB, NOR, SUNS, UDL, Night Masks, Grey Company, KORT, COR and the Bard's guild. Alas, there were probably many other guilds but it was difficult to take a census. The Springbash for the adventurers started innocently enough. The adventurers began to gather and reminisce all the while consuming ale and other mystical concoctions. So it wasn't long before the gathering became a bit out of control. The keeper of the inn tried to ignore the boisterous ongoings, but once the KAAOS hellhole was established, they were quickly booted from the inn. ITB, not to be outdone, was soon ousted in the same manner as KAAOS. Armed and dangerous, ITB, along with a few others, gave chase to KAAOS but lost their trail. So ITB (and company) took over a local tavern called Shoeless Joe's. At first the tavern offered a hardy welcome to the adventures, but shortly afterwards found it necessary to disarm the ITB of its weapons for attacking the patrons of the tavern. Bored with the conquest they returned to the inn where KAAOS, ITB and the other adventures were reunited. The rest of the night is best described as a blur. Friday the adventures arose early, filled with not quite as much vigor as the night before. But alas, they were ready to conquer the grand city of Chicago. The adventures split into 2 groups: one headed to plunder the Casinos, and the other to invade a palace used to train troops (Dave and Busters, an adult arcade of skill & games). The first group was unfortunatly lead astray while searching for the floating casino (got lost) but quickly got back on track and invaded the elaborately decorated barge. Some returned from the Casino with a few more jewels in their bags than when they entered. Others did not fare so well. The other army quickly overtook Dave and Buster's, testing their skills and abilities against other alien adventurers there as well as each other. Later that night all met back at the Inn, (to the horror of the Inn Keeper), but alas, this night was twice as rowdy as the first and the Inn Keeper had no choice but to place all the adventrues in a back room in efforts to keep them from disturbing the other guests. It was there in that back room that battles ensued including ITB Lylith's destruction of all who stood in her way. The food and drink was worn as much as consumed by the rowdy crowd. But many more aquaintances were made as well as many discoveries. Not much else is recalled after this except that the adventures didn't last long cooped up in the back room. Naturally, the hellhole was once again established. And the party continued into the wee hours of the morning. Saturday morning was quite a sight. Some of the adventruers, surprised to even be alive gathered up their spirits and headed for North Pier (a very popular mall) where many had the distinct pleasure of piloting a MECH (played battletech simulator). While the adventures took turns crashing and shooting up MECH's, others plundered the various shops and stores in search of trophies and souveniers. Many returned with woderous artifacts and magical items. Others brought back bruised egos from loosing there battles in their MECH. That night the whole band of adventruers headed for a castle, Mideval Times, a restaurant featuring a tournament of knights, where a show of skilled horsemanship and a great joust ensued. At first, KAAOS and ITB supported the evil Green Knight while the rest of adventurers supported The Red Knight who was not a goodie, but by the end of the night, could pass for a neutral evil. However, Red Knight quickly gained the favor of all watching as he rode onto the battle field on a fine steed and quickly struck down the blue knight in cold blood. This caught the attention of all and the Red Knight found himself being cheered by goodies and evil's alike (including ITB, and KAAOS). The Red Knight won the joust and following battle as he represented all of Neverwinter (we were all seated in the Red section). But the battles that followed the joust were the most fierce. ITB Skorp seemed to enrage some patrons and found himself attacked by a mob of unsanctioned goodies (the Boy Scouts of America) although some swore they were Nors or Suns. After the bashing of Skorp and a tour of the castle including the torture chamber, which proved very intresting, the adventurers headed back to the inn where they were subjected to Feebs, Slays and Confusions served up by Nasti (Feebs, Slays, and Confusions are a special blend of potions known only to Nasti). Soon the Inn was filled with what once were mighty adventures now suddenly confused, slow and stupid. Nothing at all was remembered after that point. Sunday was the day of departure. The adventurers who survived last few nights of pillage and celebration met up to discuss war stories and talk of their upcoming journeys back home. T'was a sad day indeed as the adventurers realized there bash time had come to an end (and everyone had to go back to work). So they bid their farewells to their friends and enemies alike and headed toward their homes. As they each took off in different directions, all had one common thought on there minds: "This was nothing! WAIT TILL THE NEXT ONE!" THE END<><><><><> <><><><><> Gimme a Scoop! Enter the weekly News of the Realm contest by submitting text for publishing. If your Announcement, Article, Helpful Hint, NW Abby Question, Poem, Fiction, or Tidbit wins, you'll have won your choice of 4 Pearls or Access to the GOH (Guild of Heroes)! Submit all text to screenname: NW NEWS. <><><><><> <><><><><>