==========oOo========== NEVERWINTER NEWS Issue # 131 Week Ending 4-28-96 ==========oOo========== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* FRONT PAGE *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Congratulations to MrBill888 for winning last week's News of the Realm contest for the story "I'm Proud to be an ITB". The story was certainly different and was quite humorous, witty and clever. Certainly the viewpoint of the piece does not reflect that of the NWN staff nor the News. ;) MrBill888 has earned the choice of 4 Pearls or Access to the GOH (Guild of Heroes). Keep up the good work! ;D <><><><><> <><><><><> Location Hunt Winner!! -- 4/23 The call went out to the realms for this weeks Location Hunt winner. The Clue: A sign tacked on the wall reads. Gallant Prince - West, Port LLast Harbor - Closed Quikdeth was the first to ESP NW Lenox from the Clued Location and won themselves 4 Pearls and 1 Free Hour. CONGRATS Quikdeth on a job well done!!!! -NW Lenox <><><><><> <><><><><> GoH April Booth #2 Winner!! Arctic Ice-ade is a powerful drink that can be made from icicles near some odd growth to the very far North. The one who drinks this liquid will most likely fumble and stumble about due to its potency. However, those who do not feel these effects will be a hit by a hard chilling sensation. The challenge of the GoH booth participants was to be able to not fumble about, and take little damage from the chilling. Congratulations to Warderick, who did not feel the fumbling effects of the drink, and took little damage from its chilling sensation. Warderick gains 6 pearls :) -- NW Strahd <><><><><> <><><><><> *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* NEVERWINTER CALENDAR *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Keep an eye peeled for those Mini-Booths because they will appear when you least expect in different areas of the Realms! Can you be at the right place at the right time when the NW calls for a location? Keep your eyes and ears open for these events! Watch for the banners! <><><><><> <><><><><> New Player Tours: Join the following staff members for a tour of the Realm: April 29th Monday 8:00 PM EST - with NW Garion. Those interested in any of these tours should keep an eye out for the banner telling where to meet! ;D <><><><><> <><><><><> Congratulations to MrBill888 for winning last week's News of the Realm contest for the story "I'm Proud to be an ITB". MrBill888 has earned the choice of 4 Pearls or Access to the GOH (Guild of Heroes). Keep up the good work! ;D Darkstar The Coming Storm - Part V (submitted by: FrankSense) We headed eastward out of Neverwinter, our group of four, making good time even in the lifting fog. The further we got away from the river the lighter the fog but there were no other late travelers this night. This was also somewhat odd, for we were not on a main route, but a well used trade route none the less. This road led towards Thundertree and was used by its tradesmen bringing fresh hewn lumber from the Neverwinter Woods into the City for its craftsmen. The river wasn't used to transport much downstream because of the scattered rapids that created problems. The river was actually deeper and slower upstream but that didn't help the lumber route much. The morning sun burnt away the faint remains of fog near the river to reveal a beautiful sunny crisp fall day with a light breeze. Since dawn we had been passing wagon after wagon loaded with lumber and wood products heading west towards Neverwinter. We had not caught up to many returning wagons since many appeared to have circled around a small wayside tavern known for its cold ale in the evening and excellent morning cakes at beakfast. We walked right on by, much to the guards dismay. (I think they will be back here tomorrow.) The aroma made me think of home for a moment. The days trek was uneventful. There was little talk save for necessary chat with some passers by. The adjoining farm fields were about to be harvested and you could see many a worker out tending to the last preparations in their fields. Soon the air would be full of the fresh cut scents and smells of various crops in the autumn rush to store all that one could before the winter's onset. Celebrations and Fairs would abound as each community would do its part to mark the coming of autumn and mark the last few carefree days of warm weather. The leaves would turn soon, awaiting only the first severe frost to release their hidden colour, a magical spell of this time of year. My nostrils were getting a stronger smell of fresh cut wood, the oaks and larch from the woods. We neared the edge of the Woods of Neverwinter now. You could feel their presence even though not visible yet. The road we were on would lead us to Thundertree shortly, not really a town but a gathering place for the loggers of the west woods. Before reaching the town Pip led us southward on a narrow trail paralelling the edge of the woods for about an hour and then signaled to set up camp. This would be as far as the guards would take us. When we left here there would just be two of us continuing on. Being this near the Woods meant the camp needed to have a watch since there could be danger nearby. I took the first watch. ********** The night went well. About an hour before sunrise Pip and I bade the guards adieu. I don't think they minded since they were aimed towards that wayside area we had passed. Pip and I continued ourselves southward, skirting the edge of the woods about a quarter mile away. The morning sun revealed another early autumn day. The trail we were on was where the first field's hedgerows and low stone fences roughly lined up, forming a fairly easily traveled line. The route would periodically become a farmer's lane when nearing isolated farmsteads and then disappear completely for a short while only to reappear as the next farm's access lane. "You know this trail, Graymantle?" Pip suddenly asked, breaking the journey's silence. "Yes, I've been over it a few times," I responded. "But not for many years," I found myself volunteering. Thus started a dialogue btween us that had been lacking until then. It was as if we both weren't comfortable being with each other until just then. Perhaps it was becasue the guards were gone but conversation now became easy, a change for me, for I did not enjoy company any too long with one person. That was just my nature. Pip really was the son of a farmer from Shimmervale, only I didn't quite know of that place. Unusual though was that his father read stories to him from books and farmers don't typically have books. But he did farm and raise vegetables, doing a good trade with the other area farms and orchards. That was something my mom did, with flowers flourishing all over, I thought to myself. Pip wanted to be a warrior but his parents had said little about that. They probably expect their son's yearning will go away and he will take over the farm and support them in their old age. Pip really didn't ken to rural life too well, or at least he thought so to himself. He wanted action and adventure. That was why he was so excited when asked to go to Neverwinter. That was his chance to join the guard and learn how to fight. He didn't know the message he carried to Lord Nasher had a special note inside pleading to send Pip back. When asked about the message, all Pip knew was that it was important enough to forward to King Azoun! He also caught some remark about War Wizards but was out of earshot to learn any more. Some message! Every time I gained some information it only gave me more questions! Why would a farmer have such a courtly connection? Pip said I was expressly asked for to accompany him back home. The serious look from Lord Nasher when he told this to Pip took any thought of his disobeying his father's wishes and not returning home away from him. Pip saw the seriousness in Nasher's eyes. I would have to inquire more into this. Pip asked what I do. I responded that I collected items, things of special interest, information, in order to sell or use for my purpose. Sometimes I was a delivery man, like now, but there wasn't much gold in it. Being a guide wasn't my main thing and I wasn't cut out to make a living doing so, like some others of notoriety. Their good living, if you call it that, was fighting all the time! That wasn't for me. I fight only when I must. But for all of that, I was still a pretty good fighter, even if I said so myself. I don't flaunt the fact and I don't draw fights unless I have to. That's mostly why I stay alone, to stay alive, my way. Home Again (submitted by: Fey TM) When the ink was dry, I rolled up the scroll, slipped it into my skirt pocket, then went downstairs. The tavern was empty; it was nearly day. Framed in the open doorway leaned Strider, his long-stemmed pipe in hand. Wreaths of smoke circled above his head, lingering in the stillness of the pre-dawn air. "Hey," I said. He acknowledged me with a nod of his head. I joined him at the open door. Outside, the morning mists rose over the warm waters of the Neverwinter River. Shallow drifts of fog floated slowly across the dock. It was unusually quiet. I could hear the water lapping against the boats at anchor, the fretful bark of a stray dog, the occasional rattle of a wagon, the echo of a footfall -- little else. "When did you get in?" Strider asked. "Last night. Thanks for keeping my room for me." He shrugged. "Thought you might be back." I stepped past him into the open air and strolled towards the square. The square was not quite empty; three men stood in the center, talking quietly. I didn't recognize their faces, but as I stood nearby, listening, I caught familiar phrases, tones of voice, posturing and attitude. I thought I could put another name to at least one of them. I thought, not for the first time, that perhaps I should have disguised myself as well. I moved away shaking my head, as if to put a halt to that line of thinking. It would not do to play that guessing game. Nor could I play at being someone I am not. After all, it had taken me over a year to discover my own identity. Hadn't I just finished writing it all down? I patted the scroll in pocket. I wandered down to Southwall and began the task of rebuilding my fighting and magical skills. Then I saw a face I did know -- knew well. He was unchanged. Handsome as ever. And as happy, I think, to see me as I was to see him. I took a deep breath to slow my quickening pulse, inwardly scolding myself. Hadn't it been that crazy heart of mine that had gotten me into all that trouble before? We said farewell and I returned to my questing. But suddenly I found it hard to concentrate on killing cloudy. And found, too, that I didn't mind at all. It was good to be home.Dracolunch (submitted by: PanzerMagi) "Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!" The sounds of skulls slamming into the wall sounded hollow somehow in the tight hallway. My head spun, and I gritted my teeth, determined to continue with the distasteful task... For evil was near, and pain would not stop me from trying to destroy it. "Why are you doing that?" I heard from somewhere close behind me. "Because, it summons the Dracoliches." I managed, a trickle of blood running down my cheek. "Why?" I couldn't decide if I wished to use the pesky voice's skull as a substitute for my own, or if I wanted to explain it. My good nature won, unfortunately, and I set out to explain our strange actions. "Because the Dracoliches are attracted to the smell of blood, and to misery. This creates both." I replied in a very curt manner, causing the voice to disappear. With very little warning, the undead beasts arrived. My first indication that they were near was the sight of a young cleric, running fearfully down the hallway, screaming something I couldn't quite make out. "Lunch!" The Dracolich chanted gleefully, catching the cleric and tearing his body into bloody ribbons with mottled claws. My stomach twisted up inside, and my hand grew sweat-slick where it grasped my mace. Things were definitely not going according to plan. "I gotta go take a ... BE RIGHT BACK!!!" I heard someone announce, confounding me. I knew that the fear of death had caused more than a few hearty souls to lose control of their bladders... But to announce it? I shook my head, confused, and tried not to let the distraction keep me from my task. "How do you sneak?" Drifted up to me, from far down the hallway. The voice was unfamiliar, and my feeling of dread intensified... I began to wonder if I was going to be all alone with the beasts. "Anyone have any extra armor?" I heard from close behind me. I thought about snarling out my initial response, but held my anger in check. Anyone foolish enough to try to get dressed while battling such powerful creatures was a dangerous menace. And I'd do well to keep from encouraging them in doing anything stupid. A cold breath touched me, frost forming in a clear-blue patina across my cloak and robes. One of the Dracs stood solemnly regarding me, malice so deeply etched in the beast that I felt as if my very soul was in danger. "Begone, foul creature!" I spat out, the incantations that I hoped would destroy him already on my lips. "Why does it say, Room Too Crowded, Cannot Advance, when I try to go there?" I heard from somewhere near. What was this madness? Who were these people? And how had they made it to the very lair of the Dracolich, in such a deranged state? I ignored them, and let loose with my fireball. It bathed the skeletal forms of the animate dead dragons with a deep orange-red light, and the superheated backwash of fire turned the frost that had formed upon me instantly into steam. Then, the world froze. Time seemed to stand still, and it felt like an eternity as the Dracolich and I stared at each other across the handful of meters that kept us apart. I tried to find out what had happened, but pandemonium had broken out around me. "Who's punting?" Whatever under the sun that meant. "Hit Escape!" Did that voice want us to flee? I wasn't about to. "Who trigged on top of me?" I heard an enraged voice demand from further down the hall. With time, I realized that one of my companions had departed us... His eyes glazed, curled up in a terrified ball, he simply wouldn't respond, no matter how much we prodded him. Soon, he had vanished, and the strange fugue his terror-state had placed us in departed. Just in time for the Dracolich to decide that he'd like to have me for lunch. Impossibly large claws swept through the air, coming mere inches from disembowling me. But, Forseti favored me, and I escaped unscathed. "In!" Someone announced, running to the forefront of the battle, and sending a fireball of his own to wreak havoc upon the dracs. The very air turned foul and sparse with the strength of the explosion, and all that I saw before me were scorched and blackened reminders of the beasts that had menaced us mere moments before. Sighing in relief, I heard a chorus of voices scream, "NI!" in the darkness, and saw faint, ghostly forms shimmer around me. They were vaguely reminiscent of the dracoliches we had just vanquished, but I gave it no more thought. They offered no threat to me, and it was time to reap the rewards of battle. But first, I had to find my field shovel. The pile of copper in front of me was nearly as tall as me, and it would take some time to make sure that there was nothing valuable hidden within. I always forget just how much I despise shoveling copper pieces.Lifegiver - Part 1 The Staff of Health (submitted by: Lake Mist) Beyond the doors of the Tiboar Inn, the streets swarmed with traffic...many a silver chain with a guild medalion could be seen this night...weaving in and out of the crowd...from shop to shop... Within the great gathering hall of the Inn, mages, clerics, thieves and warriors gathered in clusters as the Innkeeper and the serving lasses busily delivered meade and roast owlbear to the patrons... Several rangers had gathered in the Triboar Inn this night...here at the request of another...to partake in the Lifegiver Quest... Arrayed upon the table for the rangers...a couple of kegs of frenzy...a quarter of roasted owlbear...a roasted boar...mounds of tiger steaks...and lime jello for afterwards... A feast indeed, to fight off the winter's chill...a feast to prepare for a very long journey...as the last time they had gathered, it was decided to journey in two groups...for speed and safety... Much laughter was heard as scrolls were passed around for those who needed to improve their grimoires... weapons were polished and honed...and much frenzy and feast was consumed... The Lifegiver had been stolen...they were sworn to retrieve it...they left the Inn and headed south...passing the arena...passing through the gate to West Bridge...the first place they would look... The path traveled was a dangerous one...there are Beholders lurking in these parts for the unwary...Minotaurs and Orcs... Traveling mostly south and east, they encountered two Red Dragons and six Wyverns...at night, they are more likely to be further south... From here they moved west when the town is sighted...the Happy Halfling Inn...rest and much needed frenzy... It is said that some of the best ale is served at this Inn...and rooms for the night...not for these folk...food and conversation...any news of the Lifegiver...not this eve...the thief had disappeared west of here... The journey continued south and west from the Inn...Woodcrest Estates...west til they came to a door...ranger tracking senses alive...they did not enter that one...rather the door on the right... Forward...let not the wall fool they...west, til west no more...they fought Cloud Giant Shamans and a Golem... lesson learned...Golems aren't bothered by magic...and they hit hard... North...a secret passage...through and follow the path...blinding light...in a southern corridor...they traveled south and east...Driders, an Evil Cleric and a Mage were fought half way thru...cloud kill works well on the Driders... Through a door...moving in directions they did not know...to the end of the path...a glade...a maze awaited us...and much more...much more... Red Dragons and Wyverns were slain...but through the secret door... Shambling Mounds and Kampfults...the best spells were holds, clouds and cold...then muscle and steel... Into the maze...they followed it...a rope awaited their arrival...a rope that led downward...into the pit...into a dungeon undere WestBridge. They decended into a corridor...and did not climb the rope...ranger sense blocked by the walls...and no maps...when had a ranger needed maps... Bulette, Fire Elemental, Efreeti, Ettin, Fire Giant and Fire Giant Mage...and there were much worse...move cautiously and stealthly when possible... A corridor...follow it and enter the first room...rest and heal...by now it had become apparent there are few places to rest along this path... Wounds tended...back to the main corridor...then follow this path to a door...through the door and to another door... Through this door the rangers encountered two Otyugh and two Neo-Otyugh...scavengers...will eat anything... even rangers and clerics... In the corner of this room...a secret door...through the door...turn right and straight...a door on the right...through this door and right...a safe place... Healed here...the last safe place to prepare for the rest of the journey...follow the path to it's end...a secret passage... The rangers moved. ..wait, a mark :*:...the first corridor left...wait...how many steps...1...2...3... stop...go back 2...west...a secret door...on a wall...inside, three doors...go left?...there seemed to be no end... Follow the path...three doors along the way...they skipped the first two...preparation...the sense of great evil...through the door... Face to face...an Evil Mage, a Red Dragon and Golems...cold steel...they killed the mage first...she was globed... magic and steel for her minions...defeated...the Staff of Health...it was readied for the journey out... They retraced their steps...to the mark :*: they had left...to the door...wait...not yet... to the end...what's that on the floor... Push on the wall...they climbed up and out of West Bridge Under...north...fresh air...fresh air...the streets of West Bridge...north to the wall...west to the juncture...look south... The Happy Halfling Inn...frenzy...roast wyvern...red dragon steaks...and rest...much needed rest...the rangers had made it...a kind and gentle older fellow...bought a round of frenzy...much laughter... Even the dwarves joined in their fun...and were welcomed...but it wasn't long til all went to find their rooms... weary...they still had to find the orb...that completed the Lifegiver...maybe more clues tomorrow...The Protectorate Takes the Hills (submitted by: Tyst) The call had gone out.. The Evil invasion had made itself into the realms of Neverwinter. Mass numbers of evils were attacking. A large force of these no-good-doers had amassed in the Lost Hills.. Something had to be done.. The call had gone out. Twas dusk on April 21st, The good forces of the Protectorate, led by their Highlord and GM, TYST began to congregate in Triboar and in Crossergate. 12 was their number. 12 Protectorates had arrived to try and force the horde back.. Although outnumbered, this force of good set out to meet the enemy.. They arrived, just outside the shack.. Hardned brows and dented shields in hand, they waited, waited for the swarm that was to come. Up front was Phantra, Paladin Lord of TP.. Long Sword in in his grasp. For him honor is combat, combat for honor.. Jedi Chris- AGM and Ex TP-PVP Champ.. Prefers 5-1 odds against himself.. His presence alone uplifted the good forces. TP Pharoah, Krasel and Xvandor, three young Clerics of The Protectorate.. although inexperienced stood next to thier brethren with thier spell books open. Lrd Dearid, a long time brother who had recently returned from a trip, only to find himslef amidst this scirmish.. Lil Lione and his Paladin Lord Erezendes stod with andother long time brethren Sauradon and the ever nobel Crator and TP Hulk.. There they stood, hands sweating, not knowing what the outcome would be this dark evening. The Banner went up.. "The Protectorate forces are in the Lost Hills".. that is all the horde needed to know.. Slowly at first they came, but soon every fight was filled with the sounds of battle.. The fights grew long and fierce. As The Protectorate forces slew one foe, two more entered to replace them.. Swords and shields Clanged.. Fireballs lit up the sky.. If a brother fell, the others ran to his aid and helped them to continue fighting.. The Hills were filled with smoke and dust from the viscious battle.. Hours passed, the Protectorates continued the battle.. Fatigued and low on spells, they refused to give up. At one point things looked futile. Lord Tyst, after spending almost 2 hours in one battle and seeing over 6 evils removed from the melee, had run out of Globe protection.. Quick to see the weakness, two Undead, UDL's quickly entered the fray.. Ignoring all others, they surrounded the tired lord, hitting him with multiple Lightning Bolts.. Erezendes, Lil Lione and TP Pharoah, also very low on spells did what they could to help, but it was too late. They needed to get the injured Tyst to safety. TP Hulk just in time, and dragged the injured GM to safety.. Moods were running low at this point.. Something was needed to uplift the Troops.. But what...???? "Ho ho ho.. I though I heard you'll here", came a voice.. A well know vioce to those who fight for good. It was Quen Dalk.. Ex/GM and savior of The Protectorate during the great purge.. "Now," he roared "Who wants to play".. Drawing his Flail, this mighty Elder of The Protectorate entered the fray.. Qucikly banishing the UDL, this God-Like Protectorate rallied the forces of good around him... It is a short story from here. Be it known, that with the coming of the Ex-Lord and the news that Tyst was healing, the Protectorate forces had renewed hope and renewed energy.. Fighting like fresh warriors, they forced the evils back to the gate.. Victory was theirs! ** P.S. Thanks to all who joined us in the Hills on April 21st.. All of us had a great time and look forward to our next battle..>Acquisition< (submitted by: Llucyana) The wall was cool to the touch, the stone surface grated the pads of her fingers and snagged at the edge of her nails as she felt her way down the corridor. The sounds of revelry; spirit induced laughter echoed crazily throughout the passage. It covered any sound she might have made as she followed them. A small figure careened against one wall ahead knocking another to the rock strewed ground. She smiled into the inky blackness as four others attempted to settle their fallen companion back on his feet; Dwarves were an amusing target. She stepped silently behind the group watching them scuttle about raucously, her black floor length cloak settled around her legs in a whisper, small flashes of green light were just visible beneath her hood as her eyes danced in amusement. "Dour 'nea get'n 'way wit it!" One Dwarf screamed vehemently and drunken battle ensued, if on the small scale. She tried desperately to quell her laughter as shrunken arms and legs flailed about her in earnest, all the while moving to stand directly center of the ruckus. Her lips moved in ancient rhythm to dispel her invisibility, her amusement getting the better of her at their reaction to the sight of her, she through her head back and laughed mischievously. For a fraction of a second all was still in the dark passage. Small sweaty hands froze on downward swings, axes stilled, well aimed kicks suddenly stopped leaving the assailant comically statue'd as if caught during an uncharacteristic pagan dance. Then all were moving at once, scuttling back away from the flame haired Goddess that stood among them. Tripping over each other in shock, each trying desperately to be as far away from her as the cramped channel would allow. Then as if on some hidden signal they stood, straightening their armor and thrusting out their bearded chins defiantly, each silently denying with their expressions that they had to look so far up to meet her crystal green gaze. Sweeping the heavy hood from her head and shaking out her waist-length hair, she looked down at them conversationally. "Boys night out, little ones?" Dramatically she took in the dank passage, "Who would have ever thought Lonely Mountain hid so many treasures." She smirked caustically. She walked toward them slowly, a breeze from air channels caught her hair and whipped it around her body in a momentary frenzy, "But I do thank you for providing me with such amusement on my little errand," bending slightly and pinning one auburn capped Dwarf to the wall with her gaze, she easily removed his pack from a shaky grip. She glanced inside as she stood and smiled in satisfaction at the satchels content. Again she turned her attention back to her resistant audience, watching as inebriated pride bubbled just below the surface of the now itemless Dwarf, threatening to spew forth any moment. Cocking her head to the side she gazed down at the enraged Dwarf over her shoulder, "Don't let your quick temper out-weigh your intelligence, little red-one," she tossed the satchel over one arm, "You've bought your lives this eve with my entertainment." Turning back to face them, ending in a low whisper, "Don't make me regret that." A momentary blaze lit her eyes, then slowly she turned and began retracing her steps. She had gone no more than a hundred steps when an enraged bellow pierced the tunnels stillness, spinning with lightening speed the Goddess turned to face the sound bringing her hands up and calling forth a spell automatically. The Dwarf who's pack she had liberated rushed toward her, ax held high, his face now the color of his matted hair in his fury. Her eyes ablaze with green fire she took a step backward to allow for distance and angle, sending her spell crashing into the target streaking toward her. Lightning split through his chest, bouncing off the passageway it screamed back and hit him again before his first agonized screech had cleared his decayed lips, sending him jolting to the ground in a twitching heap. Taking up her Ice Flail with one hand and dropping her weight back on one leg, she raised her other hand and whispered three short phrases, waiting for his comrades to emerge from the blackness surrounding her. A slight movement ahead and to her right caught her attention. The two remaining survivors would forever feed the God of nightmares the vision that waited for them as they approached the Goddess in righteous anger; their nightmares would plague them eternally. Small beads of lightning sizzled between her fingers and blinding crimson light erupted from the very strands of her hair and streamed to converge in her raised palm. With a crackling hiss the ball of fire left her at dazzling speed, landing lethal at the feet of the approaching Dwarves and scattering them twenty paces back. Shrieks of anguish filled the tunnel around her. Bending slowly down to the lightning struck Dwarf and pulling her small dirk, she sliced his charred throat and watched as his life poured out to collect in a thick pool. Rummaging in her cloak she pulled out a slick skin and removed the cork, submerging it in the quickly congealing puddle. Recorking the skin she gazed around her one more time, then stood and made her way back out to the darkened forest at the foot of the mountain.Seasons of Life (submitted by: Lyssixi) Spring os over... I'm past my prime... Autumn is coming... I'm running out of time... Summer is here... And things must be done... When winter comes... It will all be gone... Seasons of life... Like the seasons of the year... Seem to be over... As soon as they appear... Just a thought to keep in mind... Time does have meaning... And she isn't always so kind... Meeting with Xymox (submitted by: Lyssixi) The night was still warm though the sun had recently set. Xymox wandered the streets whistling a nameless ancient tune. He patted his pocket to make sure he had not forgotten his ticket to the formal dinner which he had been invited. There would be many beautiful women at this function, of that he was sure and he could hardly wait to test his art against them. Turning the corner he entered the mansion of a wealthy lord and presented his invitation to the door man. He gracefully entered the banquet room as the herald announced his arrival, and was met by the warm smiles of the many beautiful women who knew him. Taking a class of chianti from the serving man's tray, he stood there surveying the crowd as the women began to gather around him. Flashing a brilliant smile he, began his art and the women began to swoon with pleasure at his attentions. His attention was soon distracted by a sight of unearthly beauty. Across the room stood a goddess, a woman of such perfection that his breath, for the first time in his life, caught in his throat. He stared across the room, watching her, as the candle light shone off the highlights of her hair and danced in her eyes. The room fell silent to his ears, his attention so drawn by this vision of loveliness. Leaving a dismayed group of women behind he slowly made his way across the room, his eyes never leaving the face of the woman. His heart nearly stopped as she turned her head and glanced at him, smiling a shy smile. Who was this woman that could affect him so? Taking a deep breath he gracefully approached her and bowed a fluid bow. "Good Evening fair lady." he said as he took her hand in his and lightly brushed it with his lips. She smiled a small shy smile as she returned his greeting with a curtsy. With practiced skill he made his introduction and learned from her, in a voice like a choir of angels, the name that he would forever hold in his heart, Silky Purr. The orchestra began a soft melody as he held her enthralled with polite conversation. With casual grace he asked her to dance with him. After she nodded her assentment he led her to the middle of the room, bowed and extended his hand to her. She came into his arms and gazed into his pale blue eyes as he led her across the room in a elegant dance. As they danced he held her eyes with his and whispered his desires to her in a soft seductive voice. Her face flushed as he spoke, but her eyes never dropped from his. As the dance came to a close he lightly kissed her soft pale cheek and felt a tremor of pleasure pass through her frame. "May I show you the gardens?", he asked as he extended his arm to her. She answered with a smile and placed her hand lightly on his arm. Together they strolled through the gardens and spoke of each others hopes and dreams as the soft moonlight cast her pale light across the pathway. Xymox reached down and pulled a white rose from a nearby bush and presented it to her. As she reached out to take the flower a thorn pricked her finger. With a startled cry she dropped the rose and quickly stuck her finger in her mouth. She laughed a silvery laugh and pulled her finger out leaving a small trace of blood on her lips. It was then that he knew what she must become. Reaching out he softly wiped the blood from her lips with his fingertip and smiled at her. Gazing deeply into her eyes he drew her chin up and kissed her lips tenderly. He felt her body press into his as passion rose up in her heart. Pulling her into his arms he drew her to a padded bench that stood next to them. It was there that they shared their passions. It was there where they bonded their hearts. It was there that they became as one. It was there that he offered her eternity and it was there that he awaited her reply. ~ I looked him in the eyes...gazing intently thinking to myself that I was not worthy of his love. The flower in my hand seemed strange, my first flower, my first kiss, and yet he has offered me even more. Will he love me, I dare not dream such foolishness. But, it is a chance to become something more and have my life take on more meaning. He is so beautiful, his silky smooth skin, his soft tender lips, they sent shivers throughout my body, making me want, but I did not know what I wished. His hands clasped mine holding them, and slowly and ever so softly he kissed me again. I looked into his eyes and softly whispered yes. ~ "Yes", she whispered to him. His heart soared as he looked deeply into her eyes. To be sire and lover to this creature of beauty was a fulfillment of his dreams. He slowly drew her to her feet, his eyes never leaving her face. He picked up the fallen flower and stripped the thorns from the stem. She smiled brightly as he handed it to her again. With the soft pedals drawn to her face he led her off the path and into the vast array of flowers. A soft breeze flowed around them, surrounding them with the sweet smell of the garden. Taking her into his arms he gently kissed her again. He could feel their hearts merge into one as body pressed against his. Looking deep into her eyes he could see the desire there, for him and for the gift he could offer her. "All my life I have desired to love one such as you" he whispered softly, "Now I shall give you the gift of my love and the gift of what I am. Is this still what you desire?" "Yes", she said breathlessly. He kissed her again softly on the lips and again on the neck. She shuddered slightly at the touch of his lips. Gently he pressed his canines agains the smooth skin of her neck and prepared to give her his gift.... the gift of his embrace.A Night (er.. Fight) to Remember (submitted by: MrBill888) When into the realms I was striding last night, A well seasoned warrior walked by catching some light Diverse and quite fell were the hides he did hold And he entered the Inn with a stride that was bold I bought him a drink, and said "sit a while." He slowly sat down and did more slowly smile I asked are "ye climbing the PVP ladder"? When he showed me a face that began to grow sadder "Youngster," he said, "if a fight's what you need, Then I will slay you so quickly that you won't even bleed." Well I grinned as I finished my pint of Sasparilla And laughed as I said, "so think that you will, will ya?" He told me just where we would fight out our duel And I stood and responded as I left the bar stool "Excuse me great warrior, but as the challenge was sent It was me, not from you that the offer was lent" He grinned as we firmed up the terms of the things we would need No healing or items, and that neither would feeb As we walked from the inn to the arena in Triboar The townspeople whispered, "does Mr.Bill know what he's in for"? I wondered just why crowds began milling around Did they think Ku Uak'1's gaze would cause me to fall on the ground? We went to the spot where the Bull's liked to play But Undeadmage and Pike Ark were there, so we moved out of the way Ku Uak1 said, "We will wait 'til they finish their fight" But I replied, "No way friend, it could take half the night" So we went to the corner, and we prepped for our foray And then silence prevailed, there was little to say "The best out of three is what I usually do." And so I agreed with Ku Uak, as I do like that too.. I triggered the match, and we started this thing I moved to the corner, and the griffs quickly took wing I threw up a cloud with a poisonous smell But Ku countered that move as he tossed a dispel The griffs then surrounded him after that toss Then he fell to a fumble that did lead to his loss Round after round they did nibble at him And I was disappointed they'd not rendered a limb So I tossed up a silence at the end of round eight And by the text of Ku's cursing I knew I'd sealed his fate The next fight did go better for Ku from the start And with Bull's on my tail, I did quickly lose heart I threw up invis and then commenced to attack But the Bulls kept on coming, they were right on my back They had me surrounded in round five or six And Ku kept on grinning, I was in quite a fix I D-doored and caught him, but my points were too low And so to the gate I was quickly to go We then had a drink before the last match began I looked for some weakness as his face I did scan Walking side by side to the arena door We bowed eye to eye, and were ready for more I started this fight, and it was quite clear to see That neither of us would die easily He ducked and he weaved, but I was right on his tail But a fumble did impede me, I was slow as a snail But Ku didn't know that I had a haste scroll And I caught him off guard, thinking his head would roll I was ready to D-door when a griff did bite deep And knowing my plight it was hard not to weep I chased him, but couldn't quite get anywhere For the griffs did not notice that Ku Ark was there His cloak hid him well whilst I used several invis He cast other spells, MAN THIS GUY KNEW HIS BIZ But I did not go easily, it was in round nineteen Before hitting the gate, I did see his eyes gleam We met back at the Inn, yes I did lose this day And the drinks started flowing, there was plenty to say Before the night ended, I did know I should write The events that conspired, for this was a heck-of-a night Whilst slain and while losing I did make quite an end And found I'd discovered a worthy new friend So hats off to Ku Uak1 who deserved victory And showed he had honor. (submitted by: Robitius) National Thieves' Week Attention Neverwinter! As you may or may not know, this week is "National Thieves' Week." It is a week where the realms should open their arms and celebrate the existence of thieves. History has shown them to be a much maligned class of people, though they have given much to the citizens of Neverwinter. As you walk through the streets this week, I ask you to keep on your mind the terrible persecution, the enormous contributions, and the simple humanity of these wonderful men and women. Allow me to quote from the Annals of the Spirit Lurkers, for it is from these pages that the true soul of being a thief can be seen: "From all lands they come. From all classes--rich or poor. For many reasons and by many means. Light footed, heavy fisted; silver-tongued, coldly silent; tall and lean, short and fat; there is only one way to describe them all, for they are the Thieves... they are THE THIEVES. They are the Spirit Lurkers." -- (taken from Annals, Volume 1) And, as the master thief Movarl has said, and which I ask you to keep in mind as you show respect for this week's observance: "Embrace the Shadows..." Embrace the Shadows my friends. <><><><><> <><><><><> Gimme a Scoop! Enter the weekly News of the Realm contest by submitting text for publishing. If your Announcement, Article, Helpful Hint, NW Abby Question, Poem, Fiction, or Tidbit wins, you'll have won your choice of 4 Pearls or Access to the GOH (Guild of Heroes)! Submit all text to screenname: NW NEWS. <><><><><> <><><><><>